Monday 29 November 2021

The Brighouse Experience

 The adventure begins....

30 children from Year 4 volunteered to go to Brighouse, deep in the  countryside in a place called Atherstone.

The children experienced a range of activities...lunch in the local park which they made themselves 

Working together safely to to create bucket campfires which each group was responsible for fuelling.

They were greatly appreciated because it was rather cold!

Constructing tents proved to be rather challenging! Especially when the wind blew....and a tent rolled far away into the distance! 

Team work prevailed ! 

It's fair to say tent building wasn't as easy as they thought it was going to be!

There were many long walks through the countryside... keeping road safety at the forefront of everyone's minds.

Some walks were challenging...oh dear!

Steep muddy hills taught all manner of problem solving skills.

Maybe we should have taken a different path???

But everyone was determined to make matter what!!!

Many hills were conquered, many steps were taken and the children worked really hard in their teams to complete all challenges set before them. Including making dinner (pizza topping time), breakfast (who knew Coco pops could spill so far) and a scary night walk with torches. The children had a fabulous time and learned many life skills. 


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